Monday, September 14, 2009


“In the past 52 years this place has changed completely. I’ve seen this city become a modern metropolis.“

How is work going today?

It’s going well, what are you doing?

I’m waiting for a friend. Do you work long tonight?

Till 9 PM.

Well that isn’t bad. How do you like it?

How do I like my work?


I love my work. It is the best job I could imagine.

Really? Why do you say that?

Because every day I get to stand here, and you’ve seen, even while I’m trying to talk to you people are still asking me questions. I get to be
here every day and meet new people. Not only do I get to meet new people, but I get to help them.
There is nothing more fulfilling in life that helping someone else.

That is a great attitude to have. Actually, back in America I work as a lifeguard, and my favorite part of that job is helping other people as
well. So have you done this work for a long time?

Oh, I’ve done this for about 10 years now.

And before that?

I used to do something very similar like this in the Army. I think that helping people is what I was meant to do in my life. Everyone has something
that they are good at- this is what I’m good at. It’s even in my name, the Hui
(挥)in my name even means to lead, or to help. I’ve
always found that helping other people makes me happy.

Well it is great that you’ve found your calling, I can tell that you are very happy. Is this what you plan on doing for the rest of your life?

Well I’m 52 right now. Changing careers just 8 years before I retire wouldn’t be a very good idea.

So you are a security guard, do you work for the national government, the city government, the park, or the subway system?

I work for the subway system. These subways are nice aren’t they?

Yes, very convenient. Right now I’m living in Nanjing. They only have one subway line, and it isn’t very convenient.

You live in Nanjing? What do you think of Shanghai?

It’s a great city, it definitely has a different feel than Nanjing does, but every place has its upsides and downsides.

I guess I’m a little bit biased.

Well I’m sure you love Shanghai. How long have you lived here?

I grew up here in Shanghai. Actually, I live just a little north of Shanghai city in a city called Suzhou.

Oh! I’ve heard of Suzhou, isn’t it referred to as the ‘Venice of China’? And some streets, instead of roads, are canals and you ride on boats?

Yes. Even though Shanghai has a lot of history, especially if you head into the Old City, Suzhou has a lot more history. There are entire sections of
the city where every building is seventy to over one hundred years old. Shanghai is a modern, international city. Suzhou is very….


Yes, you could say traditional. You need to make sure that you make your way to Suzhou before you go back to America.

What has it been like growing up in this area?

In the past 52 years this place has changed completely. I’ve seen this city become a modern metropolis. And it’s still growing. I’ve seen all of
China change completely. I’ve seen China and Shanghai modernize. We’re just lucky that China is working towards a
peaceful rise as a world power.

Do you think that these are good steps for China?

Definitely. I think that it is good for the entire world. I like to think that China can modernize so that all the people of China can enjoy a good quality of life.
That will help the people here, and it will help people in America. I hope that they [America and China] are able to continue to grow [together]
without wars. War doesn’t benefit anyone. There are no winners in war.

What do you mean by that?

China has been involved in a lot of wars in the recent future. When they fight everyone suffers. People die, people starve. Others come in and destroy
the beautiful things in this city. Afterwards people have to rebuild. There is nothing good that comes from fighting wars.
I would hope that America and China can see that and avoid war.

I hope so as well. There is a lot to be gained by working together.

When you are done with your studies do you plan on moving back to China?

I would hope that I can find a job in America working with businesses in China.

That would probably be for the best. My son has said he would like to work in America after he graduates from college, but I would prefer that he work here
in Shanghai with American companies.

You have a son?

Yes, probably about your age. He’s studying here at Shanghai University. He’s had opportunities that I could have never dreamed of when I was his age.
Life has changed very much in Shanghai during the past little while.

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